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Saturday, November 15, 2008

50 cents Also Delayed release of his Album

It appears to reverse a decision release of the album starts to mushroom in the Rap musicians. This time, 50 Cent chose to delay release of the latest album until early 2009.

Previously, I SELF-DESTRUCT scheduled thump market will be upcoming Dec. 3 at United States, but 50 Cent want to add some additional features including a DVD about the life Clock Master Jay, his friends have died.

"Time is running very heavy. All the people trying to do the best they have. I want to give additional fo my fans. They will get bonuses for free when they buy my album," he said.

As previously reported, 50 Cent is not the only rapper who must make the fans wait. Jay Z and Eminem also has decided to postpone release of up to 2,009 albums the future.

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