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Friday, October 12, 2007

act Sex, Daniel Radcliffe Cannot Detain Laugh

Adolescent actor Daniel Radcliffe seemingly still not yet ' ready to bounce' in experiencing his first scene sex in film, because he uninterruptedly laughly of moment syuting.

characterization of Figure of HARRY POTTER of have age 18 year now is experiencing shooting a newest film entitle THE DECEMBER BOYS. And he confess very difficult to can do the scene ' hot' along with patner play , Teresa Palmer.

Daniel tell, " I very difficult to can arrest;detain the lough. A matter which possible I feel concerned is: ' Whether me will undergo of the erection? Whether this will really looki sexy? or that Matter look dissonant?'."

But, Your moment actuate it, oppositely; much the same to once do not be felt sensation sex," word daniel.

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